In November 2009 we commissioned the Centre for Youthwork Studies at the University of Strathclyde to evaluate the impact YouthBank has had on the lives of young people and their communities.


The evaluation found that its not just Young Grant Makers and young people receiving grants that benefit from our work, like ripples in a pool the work of GE YouthBank reaches far and wide.

YouthBank Evaluation Report, pdf 874KB.


TheseYouthBanks is part of a national network of 70 YouthBanks that meet up on a regular basis to network, participate in training and share ideas on how to make their YouthBanks better. Our YouthBank is more than just away of giving out grants, its about supporting young people to develop their skills, become more confident and become more involved in their local community.

Making a difference. An evaluation of Glasgow East YouthBank. Summary of findings.Making a difference. An evaluation of Glasgow East YouthBank. Summary of findings.



Glasgow North East & North West YouthBank is an innovative grant-making iniative run by young people for young people. We are about more than giving out grants; the YouthBank supports young people to build their skills, knowledge and confidence whilst improving their community for the benefit of others.

Grant giving by young people – to young people.

YouthBank is all about young people doing things for themselves.  We provide grant up to £500 to fund your good ideas that benefit the community.  It is the young people who make all the decisions about how YouthBank is managed and run.  It is young people who set the criteria for grants and young people who decide which projects to fund – these young people are known as Young Grant Makers.


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0844 414 8296


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