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Job Title: YoMo Volunteer Support Office (funded for 2 years through Young Start)

Location: Young Movers Glenburn Centre 6 Glenburn Place G34 9AN

Contract: Salary £23,367 - 35 HRS per year (Including evening & weekends as required)

Probationary Period: 3 months

Accountability: Project Coordinator 



  • To support and develop the volunteering opportunities at YoMo, working with and developing new relationship with partners to recruit young volunteers.
  • To engage young volunteers in the planning, delivery and evaluation of YouthBank and other volunteer opportunities within YoMo.
  • To work as part of a team and develop positive trusting relationships with young people.
  • To make regular contact with young people in order to identify, assess, and meet their formal and informal educational needs, and to encourage higher self expectations, standards and skills.
  • Support the personal and social development of young people through creative programmes.



  • To share responsibility with members of the staff team in planning outings/trips, and devise relevant training and educational programmes for young volunteers.
  • To participate in staff meetings, training sessions, and one to one supervision sessions where appropriate.
  • Collate evidence and reports of activity from volunteers for monitoring and evaluation purposes  
  • Adhere to and implement all YoMo’s policies. 
  • To undertake any other appropriate tasks, as identified by the coordinator or management committee.



Essential Desirable
Enthusiastic, non-judgemental attitude towards young people. Ability to competently lead group work sessions, trips and youth work projects.
Understanding of, and belief in, empowerment and the positive abilities of young people. Hold a current driving license
An awareness of and commitment to equal opportunities and anti-discriminatory practice. Experience of building relationships with community partners
Understanding of issues facing young people within society.  
Initial belief and understanding of promoting the personal and social development of young people.  
A willingness and desire to learn.  
Understanding and commitment to treat each young person as a unique individual.  
Be prepared to undergo clearance from Disclosure Scotland/ PVG  



Essential Desirable
Minimum of 2 years youth work experience. One to one working.
Skills, knowledge or experience relevant to the youth work agenda. Relevant professional qualification.
Planning, delivering and evaluating needs led youth work programmes involving young people in the process. Use of Curriculum for Excellence within programmes.
  Knowledge of Volunteering Standards
  Understanding Employability Pathways



Essential Desirable
Ability to work in a team and use own initiative. IT skills.
Excellent interpersonal skills. Understanding of and commitment to the voluntary sector.
Ability to contact, engage and motivate young people. Excellent networking skills.
Ability to plan by setting targets, meeting objectives and effectively monitor and evaluate performance. Confidence to deliver presentations.
Ability to creatively engage young people.  


Support documents for this vacancy are as follows :

 Job Description


 Application Form


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Job Title: Sessional Youth Worker

Location: Young Movers Glenburn Centre 6 Glenburn Place G34 9AN

Contract: Min of 8 hours per week

Salary: £10.00 per hour

Probationary Period: 3 months

Accountability: Project Coordinator 



  • To plan, prepare and develop a new YouthBank in the North West.
  • To engage young volunteers in the planning, delivery and evaluation of YouthBank.
  • To work as part of a team and develop positive trusting relationships with young people.
  • To make regular contact with young people in order to identify, assess, and meet their formal and informal educational needs, and to encourage higher self expectations, standards and skills.
  • Support the personal and social development of young people through this creative program. 



  • To share responsibility with members of the youth work team in planning outings/trips, and devise relevant training and educational programmes for young people.
  • To participate in staff meetings, training sessions, and one to one supervision sessions where appropriate.
  • Collate evidence and reports of activity from volunteers for monitoring and evaluation purposes.
  • Adhere to and implement all YoMo’s policies.
  • To undertake any other appropriate tasks, as identified by the co-ordinator or management committee.



Essential Desirable
Relevant experience in Youth Work Relevant qualification in Youth Work
Experience of delivering Youth Achievement Awards Training in child protection, first aid and training specific to working with young people
Excellent interpersonal skills, experience of working directly with young people and community groups and young people Experience of completing personal development plans with young people
Able to maintain accurate records in support of monitoring and evaluation Experience of building relationships with community partners
A passion for working with young people Ability to work on own initiative and as part of a wider team.
Understanding the issues affecting young people Hold a current clean drivers licence
Good computer skills, proficient with MS office applications  
Self-motivated, solution focused and positive thinker  
Be prepared to undergo clearance from PGV disclosure system  

Support documents for this vacancy are as follows :

 Job Description

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To view our Residential Newsletter, simply click on the link below. A PDF reader will be required to open this document, Adobe PDF Reader can be downloaded for free here.

 Residential Newsletter

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Are you interested in becoming a Volunteer at YoMo? If you are, then you will probably like our new informational page on Volunteering at YoMo. Our new page can be found by clicking here, alternatively, you can navigate to this page by going to "Volunteering" and then selecting "Volunteering Opportunity" from the navigation bar at the top of the YoMo website.

We also have this information presented in posters, which can be downloaded in the PDF format by clicking on the links below:

 Youth Bank App A5 flyer LR AW.pdf

 A3 poster V2.pdf

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Applcation deadline Wednesday 8th April 2015 with interview being held on the Tuesday 14th April 2015                        


Job Title                                             :    YoMo Volunteer Support Office (over 18 years only)

Location                                             :    Young Movers Glenburn Centre 6 Glenburn Place G34 9AN

Contract                                             :    20 hours per week @£11.00 per hour

Probationary Period                           :    3 months

Accountability                                    :    Project Coordinator


  • To support and develop the volunteering opportunities at YoMo, working with and developing new relationship with partners to recruit young volunteers. 
  • To engage young volunteers in the planning, delivery and evaluation of YouthBank and other volunteer opportunities within YoMo.


  • To work as part of a team and develop positive trusting relationships with young people.
  • To make regular contact with young people in order to identify, assess, and meet their formal and informal educational needs, and to encourage higher self expectations, standards and skills.


  • Support the personal and social development of young people through creative programmes.


  • To share responsibility with members of the youth work team in planning outings/trips, and devise relevant training and educational programmes for young people.
  • To participate in staff meetings, training sessions, and one to one supervision sessions where appropriate.
  • Collate evidence and reports of activity from volunteers for monitoring and evaluation purposes 
  • Adhere to and implement all YoMo’s policies.
  • To undertake any other appropriate tasks, as identified by the co-ordinator or management committee.



Person Specification



Relevant experience in Youth Work

Relevant qualification in Youth Work

Experience of delivering Youth Achievement Awards

Training in child protection, first aid and training specific to working with young people

Excellent interpersonal skills, experience of working directly with young people and community groups and young people

Experience of completing personal development plans with young people 

Able to maintain accurate records in support of monitoring and evaluation

Experience of building relationships with community partners

A passion for working with young people

Ability to work on own initiative and as part of a wider team.

Understanding the issues affecting young people


Good computer skills, proficient with ms office applications


Self-motivated, solution focued and positive thinker


Hold a current clean drivers licence


Be prepared to undergo clearance from PGV disclosure system



Contact us

[email protected]

0844 414 8296


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Website Designed & Hosted by Richard Hughes